We are a global shipping agent approved by national trading ministry,has been qualified as Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier by the Ministry of Communication.Our headquarter is located in Shenzhen and the successively set up branches in Xiamen,Shanghai,DaLian and Ningbo.Now our service network spreads more than 250 ports in 50 countries.By years of hard work,CJYT had grown up to a large powerful logistics service supplier. our services mainly include: *Air & Sea & express Freight *Bonded Warehous...
Company: |
Contact: |
Ms. chou penny |
Address: |
601 Guidu BLD 3007# Chunfeng road Luohu district,Shenzhen,China |
Postcode: |
518000 |
Tel: |
86-755-82351833 |
Fax: |
86-755-33119995 |
E-mail: |